Elements - System Administrator and User Guide - Hosted
PAP Batch Summary Report

The Pre-authorized Payment Batch Summary Report lists a summary of all Pre-authorized Payment batches that have been run for a specific date or date range. It includes the date the batch was created, who it was created by, the number of transactions included and the amount of transactions.

Access to this report is controlled through administrator-defined Security Profiles.

The report is generated with the following filters.

Filter Description
Batch From Date From the calendar icon, select the start date of the range of batches to include in the report results. By default, NULL is selected to include all dates in the report results.
Batch To Date From the calendar icon, select the end date of the range of batches to include in the report results. By default, NULL is selected to include all dates in the report results.
Batch From the drop-down, select the type of batch to include in the report results.

Change any of the filters and click View Report to regenerate the report using the new parameters.

Refer to the Reports in Elements topic for information on the report's toolbar.



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